Ep 54 Use Channeling to Work Smart. Not Hard.

In this very interesting episode Kat talks about channeling and how you can use it in your business. She shares what the concept of channeling is, how to apply it to your business and the feedback she has received from using it. This is one easy concept you can utilize today help build the business of your dreams!


Episode Highlights:

  • Kat shares how and when she uses channeling to support her clients.
  • Kat talks about the energies she is currently channeling and why.
  • Kat shares the two profound moments that made her realize she needs to channel for her business.

Letā€™s Connect!

Kat's IG: https://www.instagram.com/itscoachkat/

Kat's FB: https://www.facebook.com/kart.taniberg/